Credit Card Knife

Tan Meter

Six timing positions suited to different skin types

Timing affected by sunlight intensity


R1           47K   1/4W Resistor
R2           1M   1/4W Resistor
R3,R5      120K   1/4W Resistors
R4           Photo resistor (any type)
C1,C3      10µF   25V Electrolytic Capacitors
C2           220nF   63V Polyester Capacitor
D1,D2     1N4148   75V 150mA Diodes
IC1          4060  14 stage ripple counter and oscillator IC
IC2          4017  Decade counter with 10 decoded outputs IC
Q1          BC337   45V 800mA NPN Transistor
SW1       2 poles 6 ways Rotary Switch (see notes)
SW2       SPST  Slider Switch
BZ1        Piezo sounder (incorporating 3KHz oscillator)
B1         3V Battery (two 1.5V AA or AAA cells in series etc.)

Device purpose:

This timer was designed for people wanting to get tanned but at the same time wishing to avoid an excessive exposure to sunlight.
A Rotary Switch sets the timer according to six classified Photo-types (see table).
A Photo resistor extends the preset time value according to sunlight brightness (see table).
When preset time ends, the beeper emits an intermittent signal and, to stop it, a complete switch-off of the circuit via SW2 is necessary.



Exposure time

I & children

Light-eyed, red-haired, light complexion, freckly

20 to 33 minutes


Light-eyed, fair-haired, light complexion

28 to 47 minutes


Light or brown-eyed, fair or brown-haired, light or slightly dark complexion

40 to 67 minutes


Dark-eyed, brown-haired, dark complexion

52 to 87 minutes


Dark-eyed, dark-haired, olive complexion

88 to 147 minutes


The darkest of all

136 to 227 minutes

Note that pregnant women belong to Photo-type I


  • Needing only one time set suitable for your own skin type, the rotary switch can be replaced by hard-wired links.
  • A DIP-Switch can be used in place of the rotary type. Please pay attention to use only one switch at a time when the device is off, or the ICs could be damaged.

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